What People Say

I had reached rock bottom as regards dieting before I reached out to Niamh, so I didn’t have strong hopes but I did have the willingness to try something different to feel good in my body.

-Meg, 1:1 Client


I reached out to Niamh after reading her book. I had reached rock bottom as regards dieting so I didn’t have strong hopes but I did have the willingness to try something different to feel good in my body. I was struggling with body image, binge eating, constantly wanting to lose weight or fix my body and exercising just for that purpose. Now, after working with Niamh, I don’t binge eat anymore, I’m feeling much more intuitive around food, I’m listening to my hunger cues and body needs, and I’m managing to have some variety in food. I have no urge to fix my body and I’m actually enjoying movement. The biggest breakthrough I had was in learning how to be more self-compassionate and give myself unconditonal permission to eat. It was really enjoyable to work with Niamh. She is a great listener, managed to get past my initial reserve in talking and put her fingers on the issues I had, always in a calm and positive manner. The whole experience was encouraging, positive and helpful. She’s the best!

“I now listen to my body. I can actually tell when I’m hungry and I don't overeat or binge eat anymore. I trust my body to tell me what is and isn’t working for me.”

- Regina, 1:1 Private Client

So much has changed for me. I was struggling with binge eating, overeating, eating from boredom, and the all-or-nothing approach. I now listen to my body. I can actually tell when I’m hungry and I don't overeat or binge eat anymore. I trust my body to tell me what is and isn’t working for me. The way I think doesn't revolve around food and I have time now to think about where I want my life to go. I did wonder how Niamh could have the answer, knowing that she had never been in a larger body, but she is all-inclusive and never had any judgment towards anything I was saying. I came into the process with Niamh with an open mind and she opened my eyes up to many things, things that don't even revolve around food. She is an amazing intuitive eating counsellor with so much knowledge it is beyond me. We created a relationship over the time I worked with her and I will be forever grateful to have found her. She has changed my life for the better and I now have the time and energy to focus on the things that really matter to me.

The number on the scales no longer defines who I am and I am starting to not care what other people say or think about my body size or shape.

-Karen, 1:1 Client


I heard Niamh on a podcast speaking about her work as a nutrition counsellor and felt called to reach out to her since I could not understand why I was eating certain foods that did not agree with me. I felt like I was always failing and needed to figure out why. Now, I feel that foods like chocolate no longer have a hold over me - I can take it or leave it. I crave fruit and vegetables and the guilt I used to feel around food is gone. I recognized that there was actually nothing wrong with me and am now able to listen to my body and know what it needs, when it needs it. The number on the scales no longer defines who I am and I am starting to not care what other people say or think about my body size or shape. It’s like water off a ducks back. I am now embracing the shape I am and have enrolled in a course to help me dress my present body, which is huge for me!

I enjoyed working with Niamh and always felt heard and listened to. We had very honest conversations and she explains everything in layman’s terms. There were no big words used that I couldn’t understand. She is very approachable and non-judgmental and it was especially helpful when she added small stories from her personal life that I could relate to, which allowed trust to develop between us. She is fabulous, I will miss her! If you’re thinking about working with her, give it a go. You never regret the things you do, only the things you don’t.

“I finally feel free of the cycles of restriction, breaking the diet, feeling guilt and shame, only to start the cycle again.”

- Alison, 1:1 Private Client

I had struggled my whole adult life with dieting and poor body image and decided to try Intuitive Eating. As much as the principles sounded great, after years of restricting food I didn't know how to put them into practice. Deciding to reach out to Niamh for a quick discovery call was one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself. Her approach is non-judgemental, compassionate and patient. She listened carefully to any challenges I was facing and tailored the sessions specifically to me. I can't adequately describe the affect doing this work has had on my life. I finally feel free of the cycles of restriction, breaking the diet, feeling guilt and shame, only to start the cycle again. Many aspects of my life have transformed for the better. If you've hit diet rock bottom and you want a change but don't know where to start, you won't regret contacting Niamh. I can't recommend her highly enough!


Niamh validated all my thoughts and binge eating behaviours and the shame I had felt prior to working with her dispersed after our first session.

-Kate, 1:1 Client


“I reached out to Niamh because I had started my intuitive eating journey alone but felt that I needed the professional support for the areas I was getting stuck with. For example, dealing with diet thoughts, diet chat around tables of food and with the girls, body acceptance and working on hunger, fullness and satisfaction.

Niamh validated all my thoughts and binge eating behaviours and the shame I had felt prior to working with her dispersed after our first session. She was the first person I ever told about my binging. She let me know that this was a normal reaction to dieting and that really lifted a weight off my shoulders.

Before, I felt out of control with food. Now, I feel free and in control. I can have chocolate in the house without fearing I will eat it all - it’s lost its power over me. I used to see exercise as torture. Now, I do movement that I like and that’s aligned with my values. I listen to my body more and feel more satisfied with my food.

If you’re on the fence, I would say to definitely go for it. I hadn’t tried any type of counselling before this and it did feel a little bit scary and intimidating but it’s opened my eyes to how beneficial it can be - I’ve even done some therapy since! Just throw yourself in. Book a discovery call. Talking to Niamh is like speaking to a knowledgable, intelligent and non-judgmental friend. The whole experience was extremely positive. It has been the best money I have spent on myself this year. It has helped me in so many more ways than just food.”

“Niamh was kind and openly listened, it was a safe space where I felt I could say anything about my personal experiences with food and would not be judged on it”

- Gina, 1:1 Private Client

I'm so glad I was able to begin my intuitive eating journey with the help of Niamh. Niamh helped me open my eyes to the principles of intuitive eating and made me realise things about my body and choices that I hadn't thought of prior to meeting her. In each session, Niamh was kind and openly listened, it was a safe space where I felt I could say anything about my personal experiences with food and would not be judged on it - I can honestly say I have never felt this way in any previous counselling I have attended. She never told me what to do, but provided me with tools and materials that would help me begin this journey. I have only scratched the surface, but I now feel confident that I know enough to dig deeper and continue this path. Thank you Niamh!


I would not hesitate to recommend this coaching to anyone who has been stuck in the dieting rut, or even if you are thinking of going on a diet: DON'T! Do this instead. 5* rating!.

-Stephanie, 1:1 Client


After many years of dieting, following extreme food plans, joining various slimming groups, over exercising and eventually developing a binge eating disorder, I decided that I needed some help to nourish myself in a way that wasn't restrictive and allowed me to indulge healthily in food and exercise I enjoyed.

This was a lot to ask in a few weeks, but I now feel that I have made significant steps towards those goals. The thing I enjoyed the most about Niamh's coaching is that it's not "one size fits all" and was bespoke to my needs. She explains everything in a clear & simplified way. I always found it easy to be honest with her and never felt judged or patronized, like I have in the past.

The support I received along the way was fantastic and she was always able to point out little wins when I felt like I was getting nowhere. I would not hesitate to recommend this coaching to anyone who has been stuck in the dieting rut, or even if you are thinking of going on a diet: DON'T! Do this instead. 5* rating!

“I honestly feel like I am a completely different person. I’m struggling to even put it into words”

- Michelle, 1:1 Private Client

When I reached out to Niamh, I was in a completely different headspace with food than I am now. I had a very negative relationship with food and struggled with food guilt and binging. I felt like a quick fix wasn’t the answer, despite flirting with joining slimming world or weight watchers. I wanted to work on something for my future. I did worry that intuitive eating would be just another fad – that couldn’t be further from the truth! I no longer feel guilt around food, and am able to have all foods in the house without binging on them. I even found a packet of crisps and curly wurly’s in the back of the press recently – this would never have happened in the past. They’d probably be eaten on the way home in the car! My partner even jokes about the half-eaten bars of chocolate I leave around the house now! I can enjoy food again now without guilt and it feels amazing to not have food take over my life anymore. I’m also pregnant with my first baby and am glad I don’t have to go into my pregnancy worrying about weight and food. I honestly feel like I am a completely different person. I’m struggling to even put it into words. Doing this work is completely worth it and I never expected it would make as much impact on me as it has. I expected it to be all about food, but it’s so much more than that. It’s about the person and I have learnt so much about myself. If you’re interested in intuitive eating, I’d highly recommend working with Niamh.


The first step is the hardest but Niamh is so caring and informative and the sessions are really an insight into your own soul.

-Jean, 1:1 Client


Before working with Niamh, I was struggling most with the guilt around food and constantly berating myself for eating something that I considered a bad food. I was constantly yo-yo-ing in trying to “be good and eat well”, then falling off the wagon again. Through working with Niamh, I realised how to tune into my thoughts and emotions to see how I am feeling before turning to food. Often, I was eating my feelings for comfort. I have now let go of the “bad food” label which means I do not binge now as I can have everything in moderation. I can buy multipacks again! 

If you are thinking about signing up to work with Niamh, absolutely take the step! You learn so much more than just about food along the way. You learn how your past may have impacted your habits and how your emotions can impact them too. 

If you’re on the fence, take the leap. The first step is the hardest but Niamh is so caring and informative and the sessions are really an insight into your own soul. I learned so much about myself along the way! Highly recommend.

“Niamh taught me to consider what I actually needed, and it wasn't food.”

- Rachel, 1:1 Private Client

Always being on or off a diet was what I was struggling with most before working with Niamh. That consisted of dieting, falling off the wagon, binging and then going back to dieting. Each cycle was getting shorter and harder to maintain. Through our work together, I realised how important satisfaction is and how I actually make healthier choices when I consider this. Niamh taught me to consider what I actually needed, and it wasn't food. I can now eat without feeling guilty and experience a sense of freedom around food. Having Niamh to discuss and unpack my issues helped me to discover insights I wouldn't have made alone. That, along with the accountability, really accelerated my growth. Not having a set of rules around food was scary for me at first, but with her help, I was able to understand how I have all that I need within and I don't need rules to trust myself around food. Through this process, I found myself leaving food like cake behind that I would previously have binged on. I know that if I was still on Slimming World, I definitely would have eaten all the cake! The online service is actually so great too and made it easy to fit into my life - especially for busy Mammies like me. You can pick your time according to your schedule which I found very accessible. I'd say to definitely go for it and work with Niamh! Thank you so much for all your help.


If you’re thinking of working with Niamh, I would say to go for it, invest in yourself. This journey is a long one and without professional help it can be difficult.

-Sarah, 1:1 Client


When I reached out to Niamh, I had read the IE book twice and dipped in and out of it countless times but I was lost. I had a real lack of direction in terms of the food issues I was dealing with but these sessions gave me some structure and a place to discuss everything without judgement. 

My breakthrough was freeing myself from food. Food no longer takes up a lot of my mind and now if I have a binge it is not to do with the food itself but my own emotions. This was a huge moment for me and I feel empowered by this. So much is possible now that wasn’t possible before because of our work together. I'm also learning to love cooking and baking now. I have more time to think about other things rather than craving foods and counting calories. It helps me to notice when diet culture is at large and to not take these ideas on.

If you’re thinking of working with Niamh, I would say to go for it, invest in yourself. This journey is a long one and without professional help it can be difficult.  This work is so lonely and confusing if you don't have proper help. Niamh is amazing and so kind.

I’ve also started her group sessions and they are absolutely amazing! I think listening to other people's wins and struggles really helps to see what areas I can improve on and how. 

“I’ve had more time to invest in my career and launched a business while working with Niamh!”

- Caoimhe, 1:1 Private Client

I was really struggling with body image concerns, low self-esteem and feeling like I was always failing at diets and it was all my fault, which really upset me. I thought I needed another nutrition plan but something inside told me it wasn’t the best path, so I reached out to Niamh. I now trust myself and my body’s cues and have moved from feeling insecure in my body to loving and respecting it. I never felt like I was enough and thought I had to look better and be slimmer to be happy, but I got there all without losing weight. Weight does not equal happiness. I’ve had more time to invest in my career and launched a business while working with Niamh! I have more space in my mind now for self-love, I’m no longer obsessed with food. I can love and enjoy it while also not eating past the point of satisfaction. Other people have noticed the change too and I am getting so many non-weight related compliments. If you’re thinking of signing up to work with Niamh, OMG, do it. It will be the best investment of your life. You can go at your own pace - trust Niamh and the process. This is key for the wobbles. I did worry this would just be another thing I would fail at but it’s impossible to fail at this. Thank you so much for everything Niamh, it’s been life changing.


Once you get past the fear of losing control, there is so much freedom on the other side. The goal of my life is no longer to lose weight.

-Leanne, 1:1 Client


“I read the intuitive eating book two years ago, but I still struggled with overthinking every bite of food - I used to ask myself 16 questions before eating anything! I spent so much time and energy on food and my weight yo-yo’d up and down. It was quite stressful and dictated my mood and confidence every day. I was totally preoccupied with food, body image and exercise and it dictated my day to day life.

I am enjoying my life again now, doing the things I want to do, now that my goal isn’t weight loss, my goal is living and experiencing life. Like bringing my nieces to the beach and making memories with them by getting in, rather than sitting on the sidelines, hiding myself. I have gained back so much energy and time and am enjoying food again, while focusing on my higher purpose. Once you get past the fear of losing control, there is so much freedom on the other side. The goal of my life is no longer to lose weight.

You can’t do this wrong, you can’t fail at it, like dieting. I always felt safe and supported with Niamh. She is very good at holding space and I never felt judged on anything I ever shared, nor did I ever need to plan what I brought into session. If you’re on the fence, use the discovery call and ask all the questions. Don’t be afraid to ask the questions that shame might hold you back from asking. You don’t need to have an ED to do this work. I felt really stressed around food but wondered if I was “bad enough” to seek support. I am so glad I did.”

“I've had so many lightbulb moments and even though I thought I was managing it all before, it's improved how I manage so much in my life.”

- Kayde, 1:1 Private Client

Working with Niamh has opened my eyes to the underlying reasons behind my eating, given me insight into my relationship with others (going beyond my relationship with food) and given me insight and clarity around many areas of my life including how I stand up for myself, in my marriage, with my friendships, understanding what I want and how to use my voice without necessarily being rigid. It's taught me to look at things more positively, more solution-focused, without judgement on myself.

I've had so many lightbulb moments and even though I thought I was managing it all before, it's improved how I manage so much in my life. I have a better understanding of what I'm really struggling with, which is often not the immediate situation. I thought I was in tune with my emotions/body before but this has opened my eyes in a way that can only be done by talking to someone who has the skills that Niamh has.

Thanks so so much again Niamh!

Doing this programme was challenging but so life-changing and 100% worth the hard yards.”

-Rachel, 1:1 Client


“I was really struggling with disordered eating thoughts before working with Niamh. Now, I find that I have a lot more patience with myself and others, I have accepted things the way they are and give myself unconditional permission to eat. Before starting, one of my doubts was that I may have been too far gone, but this really worked for me. My biggest breakthrough was completely ditching diet culture. Doing this work on myself was challenging but so life-changing and 100% worth the hard yards. It was transformative.”

Anything is possible. Start your journey today.