One to One Coaching

Unique, personalised support

Come join ‘The Rebuild’.

A 6-month, nutrition counselling programme to heal your relationship with food, once and for all.

I see you.

You know you need support with your relationship with food and body image.

You’ve been trying to figure it out on your own, but you’ve hit a plateau or have stalled in your growth and healing.

Perhaps you’ve read all the books, listened to all the podcasts, or signed up for all the courses, but you’re still struggling. You don’t have to do this alone.

One-to-one support can help.

One-to-one coaching is for you if you’d like personalised, tailored advice and a private space to discuss your struggles with a qualified professional.

How would it feel if…

  • You felt free and at peace around food, knowing you could eat whatever, whenever, without the fear of weight gain.

  • Eating was easy and effortless - you didn’t have to micromanage every morsel of food that passed your lips.

  • You could learn how to stop eating when full and feel in control around all foods.

  • You could stop dieting, once and for all. No more counting calories, macros, or being either all in or all out.

  • You could stop the binge-restrict cycle and have a more balanced relationship with food.

  • You had a positive body image and the way you feel about your body didn’t hold you back in life.

  • You engaged in healthy behaviours consistently because you want to, not because you force yourself to.

  • You didn’t have to depend on food to help you cope with your emotions.

  • You waved ‘buy-bye’ to food guilt and shame, no longer felt bad about eating food you ‘shouldn’t’ and looked at food in a neutral way.

  • You didn’t have to worry about food all the time.

  • You could enjoy and be present in your life…

It’s all possible.

Over 6 months, we’ll work together on what you need to get to the root of your issues and leave them behind, once and for all.

I Can Help With:

  • Binge Eating

  • Emotional Eating

  • Intuitive Eating

  • Gentle Nutrition

  • Food Preoccupation

  • Weight Fluctuations

  • Body Image Dissatisfaction

  • Chronic Dieting

Working with me one-to-one, you can expect to receive a blend of counselling and nutrition, psycho and wellbeing education. My nutrition counselling approach is highly unique and individualised and is rooted in non-diet theory, intuitive eating, mindfulness and psychotherapy. My work is primarily person-centred, which means that I aspire to be genuinely present in the moment with you and whatever you bring to session. I blend different elements of my expertise to help you cultivate a healthy relationship with food and nurture long lasting health behaviours that make you feel healthier, happier and more at peace with your mind, body and life.

My approach is best described as food and body image therapy.

I look at you as a whole person and focus on your health over your weight. I will help you learn how to take care of yourself holistically in all aspects of health, including food, exercise, stress management, coping skills, body image, sleep habits and more.

We work as a team to get to the root cause of an issue and figure out a way through it together that works for you and your life.

We do not use weight, measurements or tracking as a measure of progress.

We spend time together to help you learn how, what and when to eat based on your body's own internal cue's of hunger, satisfaction and fullness, rather than external cues like diets, food rules or meal plans.

That's not all though - we will explore your food beliefs and behaviours, raise awareness of the emotions behind your food choices, challenge negative thought patterns and use this newfound insight to help you connect with your inner expert and create more positive patterns and behaviours.

Niamh is a very understanding and sensitive therapist. I felt totally safe to share my inner thoughts with Niamh without fear of judgement or reproach. Niamh was able to look at the big picture of me and not just keep it to nutrition to get to the bottom of my issues. I feel she understood my psychology very early on and was able to help based on that and see how it all related to my issues with food and body image. I really enjoyed Niamh’s good humour and sense of fun and that she was able to recognise my experience against hers in relatable ways. I would not hesitate to recommend her, I only wish she did more general practice as I could spend more time working on other things with her.

— Sarah, 10 Months 1:1 Support

This is for you if:

  • You’re ready to invest the time, energy and money into your greatest asset - yourself!

  • You are looking for someone who has knowledge and understanding of both nutrition and therapy.

  • You’re ready to do the work and engage with me and the programme, both inside and outside of session.

This is not for you if:

  • You’re looking for a quick fix and are not willing to hear that worthwhile change takes time.

  • You’re not ready to pause the pursuit of weight loss.

  • You’re not willing to take 100% responsibility for your own health and the changes that may be required to improve it.

How It Works


1. Book a Free Call


Start the process by reaching out and booking a free discovery call to have a very informal chat, discuss your struggles, where you'd like to get to and whether we'd be a good fit for each other. My practice is online, therefore location is not an issue. I support people all over the world.

Book a Call Here


2. Complete Intake Form


Once you sign up to the one to one programme, you will receive an intake form to complete. You'll receive this via email and complete in your very own account in my client portal. It asks questions related to diet, lifestyle, stress, sleep, goals and your relationship to diet and exercise.

3. Initial 75min Consultation


Attend your first 75min session online via zoom. This is a fact finding call where we get to know each other better. You'll begin to learn about your relationship with food as we map it out, and look at your history with food and body image, family history and food beliefs. We’ll also set some goals and speak about where you’d like to get to and what’s holding you back.


4. Receive Follow Up & Action Steps


Receive your follow up email with points covered in session and any resources, audios, exercises, homework, action points etc. to guide you in between sessions.


5. Follow Up 50min Sessions


Attend fortnightly 50 min sessions. These sessions are best described as food therapy and are carried out fluidly. Anything related to your life, food and body image may come up as we get to the root of your issues and help you figure out a more sustainable approach to food and nutrition.

Contact Me



As an added bonus, you will be invited to join a fortnightly live support group throughout your programme, free of charge. You’ll also have access to the other attendees in between sessions for peer support (no social media required!) Finding people who are on a similar journey to your own is invaluable and I’ve seen some amazing things happen in support groups.

On registration, you will get instant access to my 12-week online course that covers the entire system of intuitive eating. The modules are pre-recorded so you can watch these in your own time, in order to get the most out of our one to one sessions.


You will also have unlimited email and in app chat access to me during working hours to support you in between sessions. I’m always just a message away - priceless!!

That’s not it - you will also receive worksheets, audios and resources along the way to guide you that I have spent years researching, collecting and trialling with clients to see what works. You might recognise this as homework, but I like to call them self-discovery exercises!

Contact Me

Please note that I often work with people for extended periods of time. Packages are not indicative of the time required to heal from a specific issue. The period of treatment intervention will depend on individual circumstances, although 6 months is in my clinical experience, the minimum amount of time people need.

I was a year into my intuitive eating journey when I started working with Niamh. I had come a long way on my own but I was starting to feel a little bit lost. I didn't really know if I was still making progress or what I should do to move forward. Now, I can live with confidence and the knowledge that I can deal with anything that comes up. I can exercise just because I like doing it and it makes me feel good. I can eat whatever I want with zero obsessing about it and if there are things that aren't working well in my life I can set boundaries around them. If you're struggling, reach out for help. I've discovered so much during my sessions with Niamh, not only just with regard to food and exercise but nearly every aspect of my life. She is so kind, caring and compassionate. It's been really eye-opening and so so worth it.

— Liz, 12 Months 1:1 Support

One to One Programme Details

The Rebuild

6 Month Programme*


75min Initial Intuitive Eating/Health Assessment

11 x 50min Online Nutrition Counselling Sessions

Access to The Foundations of Intuitive Eating Online Course (worth €599)

Access to a health and wellness app with food, mood and lifestyle journal

Unlimited in app chat and email support between sessions as required

Between session activities and resources

Personalised session summary report

Access to a peer support group

Investment: €350/ month

(or €1999 upfront)

*minimum 6-month commitment

You’ll be working with me, Niamh.

Over the course of my career to date, I’ve helped thousands of people through one-to-one coaching, group programmes and workshops to leave behind a life ruled by food and body image struggles, reclaim their health and live a fulfilling life they could only dream of in the past. I am incredibly qualified and experienced and have dedicated years of study to be able to do so. Let me help you do it too.


  • I see all of my clients online, so therefore it doesn’t matter where you are in the world.

  • Yes, absolutely. You can read more about my credentials here.

  • I usually only work with clients in this way if they are enrolled in The Foundations of Intuitive Eating Group Coaching Programme or after completion of the programme. If you have bespoke needs e.g. requiring advice for a specific issue, please contact me here and I will do my best to accommodate you.

  • Rebuilding your relationship with food and body image takes time and commitment. I have learnt over the years that clients who only commit to a few sessions do not get the results they desire. I want to give you the absolute best shot at recovery. My one to one coaching package has been formed over years of experience with hundreds of clients and includes the minimum amount of time and appropriate resources that people need to recover. If you are worried about whether I’m the right person for you, (I totally get it), please book a free discovery call here.

  • I see clients every 10 days - 2 weeks. I find this works best for most people but this is not set in stone. If you feel you need a weekly session, this can be discussed in the discovery call.

  • It’s completely normal to feel nervous entering into a therapeutic space. I know, because I’ve been through it myself! We will move at a pace that feels right for you. Please know that my top two values are to create a non-judgmental and shame-free space. Your identity is completely confidential - no one will ever know you are working with me unless you decide to share it. Listen to my podcast episode here to learn more about how nutrition counselling works.

  • Investing in yourself can feel scary. However, where will you be in 6 months time if you don’t? The cost of one to one support works out at just over €10/day. I’d like you to ask yourself, “is the cost of investing in support less than the cost of staying stuck where I am?”, to help you decide whether this is a worthwhile investment for you. This offering is my highest level of support. If finances are an issue, there is a payment plan available and if that still feels a little out of reach right now, my Foundations of Intuitive Eating Group Coaching Programme is a great option.

  • Real change takes time and the time it takes to heal depends on the person. I often work with people for extended periods of time. This ranges from a minimum of 6 months and beyond. Some clients choose to work with me for years, however, 6-12 months is normal when your aim is to rebuild your relationship with food. Packages are not indicative of the time required to heal from a specific issue. The period of treatment intervention will depend on individual circumstances and the depth of healing you would like to embrace. There are follow on options if we feel you need more support after the initial six month period.

  • Intuitive eating is a systematic approach to deconstructing food rules, wiping out food worry and anxiety and gently relearning how to eat, from the ground up, using your own internal signals of hunger, fullness, satisfaction and overall wellbeing. This approach rebuilds trust between you and your body. You can learn more about intuitive eating through my podcast, ‘Food, Body and Beyond’.

  • Great question. The short answer is no. Intuitive eating is just one tool in my toolkit, but it is just that - a tool. I am a degree qualified Nutritionist with a BSc in Nutritional Science. I’m also a trainee psychotherapist, having completed two out of four years of my psychotherapy training. This means that I am qualified to deliver nutrition and psychological support, which is not always the case when it comes to intuitive eating coaching.

What’s the cost of not investing in yourself?