Hey, I’m Niamh.

You’re so welcome here…

Is your relationship with food and your body holding you back from fully living your one wild and precious life?

Have you:

Not attended that party because of how you felt in your body?

Passed up the opportunity to take a trip because of how your body looks?

Waited to have a family due to the fear of gaining weight?

Stopped yourself from dating until you reach your goal weight?

Not put your hand up for that promotion for fear of not “looking the part”?

Or maybe you just feel like food and body image takes up too much of your brain space?

If so, you’re in good company because all of the above are real life stories I’ve heard from my clients.

It’s time to start living.

Hi there, I’m Niamh.

Nutritionist, Intuitive Eating Counselor, Yoga Teacher, Psychotherapist in Training, and Author of No Apologies

I help people, like you, to leave dieting behind and rebuild your relationship with food, movement and body image so that you can live a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life. I have helped hundreds of people get back to a place of peace and freedom around food and their body. Yes, it’s possible, even if you’ve never been there before, I promise you. And I don’t make promises easily. You are worthy, just as you are. You have gifts to offer this world. You have a life to live and experiences to be had. And let’s be real; dieting and preoccupation with food and body image is holding you back from all of those things.

Aside from my wealth of experience in this area, I have the qualifications required to do this work. I have a degree in Nutritional Science, am a Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor and Yoga Teacher and hold additional training in psychotherapy, body image healing, motivational interviewing and binge eating. Ethical and evidence-based practice is very important to me and therefore I engage in regular CPD and clinical supervision.

I work with people one on one, alongside running my group coaching programmes, support groups, workshops and HAES aligned yoga classes. Filling spaces with self-compassionate, free and empowered people is what I’m known for. I also have a qualification in Workplace Wellness and spent many years working in corporate wellbeing, so I enjoy providing consultancy services to various businesses across Ireland.

What if you could...

Love and respect your body. Live a full life, irrespective of external appearance. Never have to diet or count calories again. Stop using food to cope. Feel free and at ease around food. Enjoy food without guilt. Eat all foods without the fear of, ‘a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips’. Be healthy and happy. Stabilise your weight and stop yoyo dieting.

It’s all possible.

I don’t believe that…

Health = weight

Health is about much more than weight. There are so many ways you can begin to improve your health, irrespective of weight loss. You are not condemned to ill health if you can’t lose weight.

You are broken

You may think or believe that you’re just not ‘trying hard enough’ to lose weight. You might think there’s something wrong with you, that you’re broken. You are not.

We are all the same

We are all different, with different lifestyles, interests and backgrounds. What works for one, may not work for another. One size does not fit all.

I do believe that…

Anything is possible

Do you want to move your body? Improve your health? Run around after your kids or grandkids? Feel amazing in your body? I believe this is all possible, irrespective of weight loss.

Diets don’t work

We do not currently have any safe or effective weight loss strategies that cause a significant amount of long-term weight loss. Therefore, it doesn’t feel right for me to offer weight loss advice or prescriptive plans aimed at this goal.

You are an expert

You are the expert of your own body. I believe that you know what is best for you and that everything you need lies within. Sometimes we just need a little help unlocking that inner wisdom. That’s where I come in.

Introducing My Unique Methodology:

The Rebuild System…

  • 1. REMOVE

    Remove what you’ve learnt from diet culture that keeps you stuck in a place of food stress and obsession and hinders your health and growth as a human being.


    Reconnect with the needs of your mind and body to give you the information that you need to begin nourishing yourself with ease.


    Re-establish health-promoting behaviours from this new perspective you’ve developed from first removing anything that does not serve you and reconnecting with the needs of your mind and body.

Now It's Your Turn

Now It's Your Turn

I can’t wait to help you rebuild your relationship with food and body image. I work with people in two ways: one-to-one and through my group programme. This may just be the answer you’ve been searching for.

What My Clients Say

  • I discovered so much during my sessions with Niamh, not only just with regards to food and exercise but nearly every aspect of my life, it's been really eye opening and so so worth it.


  • Thank you so much Niamh, you've been so amazing and have helped me so much. My life is now easier. Even though I knew your approach, I still think I expected to receive a meal plan in our first session. That never happened and it's been more like therapy!


  • I would wholeheartedly recommend Niamh's group coaching, no matter what stage you're at with Intuitive Eating. I found Niamh hugely knowledgeable; she is amazing at holding space.


  • I used to have such black and white thinking around food and I felt constantly deprived. Now, I trust my body and can enjoy meeting friends for food without overthinking everything I am eating.


My Values

  • Weight Inclusivity

    Treating all people with equity, no matter the body shape or size they inhabit. Aligned with the HAES paradigm.

  • Respect

    Respecting each individual, their choices and inherent wisdom that they know their body best. Committing to person-centered practice.

  • Non-Judgment

    Approaching each client and situation with empathy and unconditional positive regard. Respecting that which we cannot see.

  • Health

    Honouring all facets of health, including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Considering the impact of any advice given on all of the above.

  • Excellence

    Committing to life long learning, CPD, personal work and clinical supervision to offer the best possible service to all clients.

Get to know me…

I’m a…

Self-confessed nerd who loves to read and has a habit of collecting degrees. I deeply value peace, quiet and serenity in my life, which is why you’ll always find a stick of incense and some calming music playing in my home. People often tell me I have a calming energy and a ‘voice like butter’. I take the compliment gladly!

In my vision of a perfect day…

The sun is shining when I wake up (preferably not too early - an early riser, I am not). I have my morning coffee and get ready for a day of sitting with my beautiful clients delivering food and body image therapy. I dream up new ways to help you feel at peace in your body. I have some white space to move my body, go for a walk in nature or sit outside with my journal, listening to the birds. I’m planning my next adventure - 22 countries and counting! I laugh a lot with my favourite people and go to bed with a full heart.

What nourishment looks like to me…

Food that makes my body and soul sing. Yoga. Nature. Therapy. White space. Writing. A fulfilling career. Travel. Safe and supportive relationships. Laughing with loved ones. Deep meaningful conversations.

Just in case you were wondering…

Qualifications, Certifications


BSc, Nutritional Science, University College Cork

HDip in Counselling and Psychotherapy, Dublin Business School

MA in Psychotherapy, Dublin Business School (TBC mid-2025)

PgCert in Workplace Wellness, Trinity College Dublin

Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Evelyn Tribole

 Recipe Analysis: Maximising Accuracy, Susan Church Nutrition

Training Delivery & Evaluation, IITD

200hr Diploma in Hatha Yoga, Yago Yoga

30hr Level 1 Yin Yoga Training, DubYin Yoga

30hr Level 2 Yin Yoga Training, DubYin Yoga

Advanced Counsellor Skills: Applying Intuitive Eating & Non-Diet Approaches in Practice, Laura Thomas

Body Image Online Training For Clinicians, Marci Evans

Motivational Interviewing, Gary Mendoza

Binge Eating Essentials for Health Professionals, Jake Linardon

I will soon enter my final year of a four-year psychotherapy training, of which clinical work is a large component. I aim to begin taking on private psychotherapy clients circa June ‘25. I am particularly interested in food and body image concerns and the intersectionality between these and psychotherapy. This commitment can be seen in my HDip and MA dissertations:

HDip: An Exploration of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Psychotherapeutic Intervention for Body Image Dissatisfaction.

MA: An Exploration of Psychotherapists' Experiences of Working with Food and Body Image Concerns in the Therapeutic Room.